Vegology Restaurant Artwork

Fab new restaurant in Hounslow
Mural  #1

South Bank Artwork in London restaurant
Veggie Restaurant artwork in Hounslow, London Vegology Restaurant artwork in Hounslow, London Vegology Resaurant Neil's murals Hounslow Vegology open for business murals Indian Veggie Restaurant artwork in Hounslow, London Indian Restaurant artwork in Hounslow, London Indian Restaurant artwork in Hounslow, London Indian Restaurant artwork in Hounslow, London Indian Restaurant artwork in Hounslow, London Indian Restaurant artwork in Hounslow, London mural Vegology Restaurant mural, first reveal in daylight as the tarp on the window was taken down. Vegology Mural 1Other Artwork completed in Hounslow's Vegology Restaurant Vegology Resaurant with murals hounslow

A little more info about this mural:

Was asked to adorn this new veggie restaurant with designs to create an inviting and thought provoking atmosphere. The artwork's ideology was to enhance the view of vegetarians as forward thinking people with ambition and attitude.

Used a posterised effect here and there, and high tonal range to create the lights at night-time bling.

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